Minimal residual disease detection, used for clinical management of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, can be performed by molecular analysis of antigen-receptor gene rearrangements or by flow cytometric analysis of aberrant immunophenotypes. For flow minimal residual disease to be incorporated into larger national and international trials, a quality assured, standardized method is needed which can be performed in a multi-center setting. We report a four color, flow cytometric protocol established and validated by the UK acute lymphoblastic leukemia Flow minimal residual disease group. Quality assurance testing gave high inter-laboratory agreement with no values differing from a median consensus value by more than one point on a logarithmic scale. Prospective screening of B-ALL patients (n=206) showed the method was applicable to 88.3% of patients. The minimal residual disease in bone marrow aspirates was quantified and compared to molecular data. The combined risk category concordance (minimal residual disease levels above or below 0.01%) was 86% (n=134). Thus, this standardized protocol is highly reproducible between laboratories, sensitive, applicable, and shows good concordance with molecular-based analysis.