Summary background: The small quantity of acetate present in the dialysis fluid exposes patient's blood to an acetate concentration 30-40 times the physiological levels. This amount is even greater in hemodiafiltration on-line. Our purpose was to evaluate the clinical-analytical effects using three different dialysis techniques in the same patient.
Methods: 35 patients on hemodialysis were included. All patients were treated with conventional bicarbonate dialysate for 3 months, after randomization were switched to first be treated with PHF online with standard bicarbonate dialysate for 6 months and then switched to PHF on-line acetate-free dialysate for the other 6 months or to invert the two last periods. Blood samples were drawn monthly throughout the study and clinical data were obtained.
Results: Postdialysis blood acetate levels were higher in patients treated with conventional bicarbonate dialysate with respect to the period of PHF with free-acetate dialysate. Moreover, the percentage of patients with postdialysis blood acetate levels in the pathologic range was higher in patients treated with conventional bicarbonate dialysate respect to PHF on-line acetate-free dialysate period (61% vs. 30%). Serum concentrations of chloride postdialysis were higher and serum concentrations of bicarbonate pre and posthemodialysis were lower in the PHF free-acetate period. The incidence of hypotensive episodes was significantly lower in the PHF on-line with conventional dialysate.
Conclusions: PHF on-line with free-acetate dialysate allows that most of patients finished hemodialysis with blood acetate levels in the physiologic ranges. PHF on-line is a predilutional hemodiafiltration treatment with better tolerance than hemodialysis with standard bicarbonate dialysate.