Purpose: To assess the radiation dosimetry and biodistribution of (99m)Tc-labeled ethylene dicysteine deoxyglucose ((99m)Tc-EC-DG) in patients with non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Methods: Serial whole-body scans were acquired 0, 2, 4, 6 and 24 h after injection of (99m)Tc-EC-DG (925 MBq) in seven NSCLC patients. Radiation dosimetry, blood clearance and SPECT imaging of the primary tumor were assessed.
Results: The critical organ was the bladder wall, with average radiation absorbed dose over all seven patients of 2.47x10(-2) mGy/MBq. The average effective dose equivalent and effective dose were 6.20x10(-3) mSv/MBq (6.89 mSv/1,110 MBq) and 5.90x10(-3) mSv/MBq (6.54 mSv/1,110 MBq), respectively. The primary tumor was visualized with SPECT in six patients. On final pathology, one patient had a granuloma, which did not enhance with (99m)Tc-EC-DG.
Conclusion: (99m)Tc-EC-DG has acceptable dosimetric and biodistribution properties as a diagnostic tumor-imaging agent. Future studies are planned to evaluate its diagnostic potential.