Functional benefit after modification of radial forearm free flap for soft palate reconstruction

Clin Exp Otorhinolaryngol. 2008 Sep;1(3):161-5. doi: 10.3342/ceo.2008.1.3.161. Epub 2008 Sep 30.


Objectives: To compare the velopharyngeal function, swallowing and speech of the conventional and modified radial forearm free flap (RFFF) for soft palate reconstruction.

Methods: Retrospective clinical study. Twenty-eight patients who underwent oropharyngeal reconstruction with RFFF were divided into two groups: 10 patients had conventional folded RFFF and 18 patients underwent modified method.

Results: The average speech intelligibility score in modified RFFF group was 8.0+/-2.4, and 6.2+/-2.2 in conventional RFFF group (P<0.05). The nasalance was 27.4+/-7.8% in modified group and 38.6+/-2.7% in conventional group during no nasal passage reading and 43.6+/-7.3% in modified group, 55.2+/-7.6% in conventional group during high nasal passage reading (P<0.05). The subjective swallowing functional score was 2.8 in modified group and 2.1 in conventional group.

Conclusion: The speech assessment and nasalance demonstrate a more favorable outcome in modified group than conventional group.

Keywords: Oropharyngeal cancer; Radial forearm free flap; Reconstruction; Soft palate.