Transition from completely reversible to irreversible adsorption of poly(amido amine) dendrimers on silica

Langmuir. 2009 Mar 3;25(5):2928-34. doi: 10.1021/la8038818.


The adsorption and desorption behavior of poly(amido amine) (PAMAM) dendrimers at the water-silica interface was investigated by optical reflectometry. Polymer desorption upon dilution was studied as a function of generation (i.e., molecular mass), solution pH, and ionic strength. Three distinct adsorption regimes upon flushing with dendrimer-free solutions were identified. (i) Completely reversible adsorption refers to rapid and complete desorption. (ii) Partially reversible adsorption is characterized by rapid but partial desorption and a remaining irreversibly bound fraction. (iii) Irreversible adsorption refers to the case where there is no detectable change in the adsorbed mass. The system tends to be completely reversible for low generations, low pH values, and high ionic strengths, while it tends to be irreversible for high generations, high pH values, and low ionic strengths. The parameters for which these regimes are found are summarized in corresponding adsorption maps.