Aim: To compare therapeutic efficacy and safety of ingavirin and arbidol in patients with influenza.
Material and methods: The trial included 105 patients with a verified diagnosis of influenza, definite clinical symptoms, body temperature at least 38 degrees C and duration of the disease 36 hours maximum. Ingavirin efficacy was analysed basing on the evidence for 100 patients with uncomplicated influenza. The patients were randomized into three groups: taking ingavirin in a single daily dose 90 mg (n = 33), placebo (n = 36) or arbidol (200 mg 4 times a day). The duration of the treatment was 5 days.
Results: Intake of ingavirin in initial 24-36 hours of the disease significantly reduced fever compared to placebo and arbidol (34.5, 72.0 and 48.4 hours, respectively). Ingavirin was less toxic and had no side effects.
Conclusion: Ingavirin is safe and effective in the treatment of influenza. By some criteria it is more effective than arbidol.