Monkeypox virus is divided into Congo Basin and West African strains. The virulence and pathophysiology of two strains, Zr-599 (a Congo Basin monkeypox virus) and Liberia (a West African monkeypox virus), were evaluated in non-human primates. Four monkeys were infected by the subcutaneous (SC) and two by the intranasal (IN) inoculation routes for Zr-599 and Liberia at a dose of 10(6) p.f.u. One monkey in the Liberia/SC group was demonstrated to be co-infected with Gram-positive cocci and was excluded from analyses. Infections in three of the four Zr-599/SC monkeys and in one of the three Liberia/SC monkeys were fatal. Virus genome levels in blood in the Zr-599/SC monkeys were approximately 10 times higher than those in the Liberia/SC monkeys. Zr-599 affected respiratory, genito-urinary and gastrointestinal tract organs more severely than Liberia. Zr-599 was more virulent than Liberia and one of the factors might be the difference in organ tropism.