Quantifying and rating the impairments due to mental and behavior disorders are difficult for their own characteristics. Korean Academy of Medical Sciences (KAMS) is developing guidelines of rating impairment in mental and behavioral disorders based on Korean Neuropsychiatric Association (KNPA)'s new guidelines. We compared the new KNPA's guidelines and the American Medical Association (AMA)'s 6th Guides in assessing impairment due to mental and behavioral disorders to develop new guidelines of KAMS. Two guidelines are different in diagnosing system, applicable disorders, qualification of assessors, application of scales, contents of assessment and rate of impairment of the whole person. Both AMA's and the proposed guidelines have individual merits and characteristics. There is a limitation in using the 6th AMA's Guides in Korean situation. However to improve objectivity in Korean assessment of psychiatric impairment, the new AMA's Guides can serve as a good reference.
Keywords: Behavioral Symptoms; Disability Evaluation; Mental Disorders.