A generally recognized concept dictates that surgical intervention for non-parasitic cysts of the liver is mostly palliative such as aspiration of the content, suture and closure, internal or external drainage, marsupialization, and unroofing of the cyst, while total excision of the entire cyst, which sometimes necessitates hepatic resection, is not usually recommended.3, 6, 9 The results of these lesser procedures have been acceptable, favoring those conservative procedures. This paper presents three cases with carcinoma arising in the cysts of the liver. Review of the present cases with five comparable cases appearing in the literature revealed that young female population and left lobe of the liver are frequently involved. Hence the general trend for palliative procedures should be reassessed. Possible malignancy should be considered when a patient belongs to this category, the cystic content is not clear, or the cystic wall presents irregular texture with nodules. The carcinomatous changes would have been of higher incidence than reported if the entire cysts had been more carefully examined.