Introduction: Applied simultaneously with fibrinolytic therapy, low-molecular heparin enoxaparin is showing the potential of improving efficacy with rare adverse effects. Our objective was to investigate if enoxaparin with streptokinase (SK) in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) had better effect than unfractioned heparin (UFH).
Material and methods: The patients with AMI with ST elevation where SK was applied, were divided into two groups: 1. In the study group (N=32, SK+E) both SK and enoxaparin were administered (E, 30 mg intravenously before SK, then after SK 80 mg subcutaneously every 12 hours for 3 days); 2. The patients of the control group were given continuous infusion of UFH 4 hours after SK (1000 i.j. per hour, 3 days). Two groups were similar regarding average age, previous coronary events and diabetes mellitus.
Results: The reperfusion, depending mostly on fibrinolytic therapy, was successful in both groups (71.9% vs. 65.8%). The recurrent ischemia was less frequent in the group where enoxaparin was used (18.8% vs. 40.6%, p=0.055), as well as heart failure (15.6% vs. 53.2%, p=0,095). There was no difference in adverse effects.
Conclusions: Enoxaparin used simultaneously with streptokinase in patients with AMI with ST elevation was safe and effective. The recurrent ischemia, the parameter of "infarcted" coronary artery reoclusion, is less frequent in patients who had enoxaparin than unfractioned heparin with fibrinolytic therapy.