In-vivo NIR autofluorescence imaging of rat mammary tumors

Opt Express. 2006 Jul 24;14(15):6713-23. doi: 10.1364/oe.14.006713.


We investigate in vivo detection of mammary tumors in a rat model using autofluorescence imaging in the red and far-red spectral regions. The objective was to explore this method for non-invasive detection of malignant tumors and correlation between autofluorescence properties of tumors and their pathologic status. Eighteen tumor-bearing rats, bearing eight benign and seventeen malignant tumors were imaged. Autofluorescence images were acquired using spectral windows centered at 700-nm, 750-nm and 800-nm under laser excitation at 632.8-nm and 670- nm. Intensity in the autofluorescence images of malignant tumors under 670-nm excitation was higher than that of the adjacent normal tissue. whereas intensity of benign tumors was lower compared to normal tissue.