Relaxation and dephasing in a two-electron 13C nanotube double quantum dot

Phys Rev Lett. 2009 Apr 24;102(16):166802. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.166802. Epub 2009 Apr 22.


We use charge sensing of Pauli blockade (including spin and isospin) in a two-electron 13C nanotube double quantum dot to measure relaxation and dephasing times. The relaxation time T1 first decreases with a parallel magnetic field and then goes through a minimum in a field of 1.4 T. We attribute both results to the spin-orbit-modified electronic spectrum of carbon nanotubes, which at high field enhances relaxation due to bending-mode phonons. The inhomogeneous dephasing time T{2} is consistent with previous data on hyperfine coupling strength in 13C nanotubes.