The pulse wave velocity (PWV) of the aorta, of the arm, of the leg, was measured in 90 normal subjects (N) and 92 dialysis patients (D) of the same age and blood pressure status. All patients underwent blood biochemistry, especially serum liquid concentrations, and aortic ultra-sonography. Aortic calcifications were diagnosed by echo and radiologic examination. Aortic PWV was significantly higher in D (1,113 +/- 319 cm/s) than in N (965 +/- 216 cm/s) (p = 0.0016). The aortic diameters were greater in D both at the aortic root and at the bifurcation. The pulse pressure was higher in D (76.6 +/- 23.7 vs 63.9 +/- 2 mmHg, p = 0.007). In both populations, the PWV increased with age and blood pressure but aortic calcification was only weakly correlated with this increase. These results indicate that the compliance of the aortic wall is reduced in D and leads to an increase in the pulsatile component of the blood pressure and thereby to an increase in left ventricular afterload.