Introduction and objective: In most cases the learning curve of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy is not completed during the residency. This is why International Fellowship programs are becoming more popular. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of the fellowship program of the German group.
Material and methods: We describe the evolution of our last fellow in the modular training program developed by the Leipzig group. We also evaluate the efficiency of this program by analyzing the results of 30 procedures performed by the fellow as first surgeon. In addition we have reviewed the literature and compared those outcomes with previous series of the clinic and other training programs.
Results: The training programme was completed in four months. After this time, the fellow performed 30 procedures without any assistance from a tutor. 46.67% of these procedures were nerve sparing. The time average was 2 hours and 27 minutes. The programme includes lymphadenectomy in 20 patients. Two patients had positive margins, all anastomosis were tight except for one. Urethral catheter was removed on the fifth day and there were no other intraopertive or early postoperative complications. Results may be compared to previous results of other residents of the department and also of other groups where a long-term tutor program was performed.
Conclusion: The learning process of laparoscopic radical prostatectomy should follow a long-term tutorized model. Until the definitive expansion/development of this technique, the Leipzig Fellowship program is a complete and effective formation schedule.