Cervical cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among women worldwide. Implementation of an HPV-vaccination strategy targeting the major oncogenic types 16 and 18 that cause cervical cancer is generally expected to significantly reduce the burden of cervical cancer disease. Here we estimate the costs, savings and health gains with the addition of HPV-16/18 vaccination to the already existing Dutch screening programme. In the base-case analysis, it was estimated that implementation of an HPV-16/18 vaccine would result in an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of euro22,700 per life-year gained (LYG). In sensitivity analysis, the robustness of our finding of favourable cost-effectiveness was established. The ICER appeared sensitive to the vaccine price, discount rate and duration of vaccine-induced protection. From our results, it validly follows that immunization of 12-year-old Dutch girls against HPV-16/18 infection is a cost-effective strategy for protecting against cervical cancer.