Adnexal tumors of the hair follicle can be regarded as lesions that show similar differentiation to one or more portions of the hair follicle. Trichoblastic carcinoma is a rare malignant adnexal tumor, which usually occurs on the scalp. There have been reported cases with regional lymph node metastasis. We report a case of a 65 years old man with a painless irregular mass of the posterior surface of the right pinna, which was slowly growing over a 5-year period. He had a history of a similar lesion on the same site, which was removed 8 years before he presented to us. We excised the lesion and the defect was covered with an advancing flap. Because of the histology result the patient was re-operated and reviewed for over 3 years and there wasn't any sign of recurrence.
Keywords: malignant pilar tumor; pilar carcinoma; trichoblastic carcinoma.