Emerging evidence suggests that the glucocorticoid and estradiol are important for Leydig cell steroidogenesis and are regulated via aromatase for estradiol production and 11beta-HSD for oxidatively inactivating glucocorticoid. Although it is known that corticosterone deficiency impaired Leydig cell steroidogenesis, its effect on the expression of Leydig cell 11beta-HSD type I and aromatase are yet to be recognized. Following metyrapone-induced corticosterone deficiency, serum corticosterone and testosterone levels decrease, whereas serum estradiol remains unaltered. 11beta-HSD type I mRNA and its activity was decreased by corticosterone deficiency, whereas the activity and mRNA of aromatase remains unaltered. Simultaneous administration of corticosterone prevented its deficiency-induced changes of 11beta-HSD type I in Leydig cells. Our results show that metyrapone-induced corticosterone deficiency impairs Leydig cell 11beta-HSD enzyme activity and 11beta-HSD type I mRNA expression, and the Leydig cells need to maintain their intracellular concentration of corticosterone for a normal function.