The mechanism through which chronic stress inhibits the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis has been investigated. Chronic restraint stress decreases testosterone secretion, an effect that is associated with a decrease in plasma gonadotropin levels. In chronically stressed rats there was a decrease in hypothalamic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) content and the response on plasma gonadotropins to LHRH administration was enhanced. Thus the inhibitory effect of chronic stress on plasma LH and FSH levels seems not to be due to a reduction in pituitary responsiveness to LHRH, but rather to a modification in LHRH secretion. It has been suggested that beta-endorphin might interfere with hypothalamic LHRH secretion during stress. Chronic immobilization did not modify hypothalamic beta-endorphin, while an increase in pituitary beta-endorphin secretion was observed. Since we cannot exclude that changes in beta-endorphin secreted by the pituitary or other opioids may play some role in the stress-induced decrease in LHRH secretion, the effect of naltrexone administration on plasma gonadotropin was studied in chronically stressed rats. Naltrexone treatment did not modify the decrease in plasma concentrations of LH or FSH. These findings suggest that the inhibitory effect of restraint on the testicular axis is exerted at hypothalamic level by some mechanism other than opioids.