In April 2008, Abidjan was again faced with another case of yellow fever after the epidemic of 2001 causing mass immunization campaign. In order to evaluate the extent of amaril virus circulation and the risk for local people, an entomological investigation was carried out by the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene of Côte d'Ivoire. At "Entent" area of Treichville, Breteau index was estimated at 34, recipient index at 20% and house index at 25%. Those indexes were respectively 53, 21 and 31% at "Vridi canal" of Port Bouet. In the both neighborhood, Aedes aegypti accounted for more than 80% of mosquitoes caught and more than 90% of mosquitoes adults obtained from larval breeding. This new situation of epidemic risk could be explained by several factors including the reception of 70% of forced migration people caused by the crisis in the country occurred in 2002, the probable drop of preventive immunization, the environment deterioration creating of more breeding sites of Ae. aegypti.