The purpose of this study was to assess the association between binge alcohol use and unprotected sex in Russian substance users. Participants (N = 181) were narcology hospital patients assessed on demographics, alcohol use, risky sex, and sexually transmitted disease/human immunodeficiency virus (STD/HIV) diagnoses. Adjusted generalized estimating equations (GEEs) logistic regression analysis examined the association between binge drinking and same-day unprotected sex across each of the past 30 days, per participant (N = 5430 observations). Participants were age 18 to 55 years, 75% male, and 64% binge drinking. Sex trade was reported by 27%; history of STDs by 43%; and HIV by 15%. One fourth of daily observations included sex; 88% of these involved unprotected sex. Binge drinking was not associated with same-day unprotected sex (adjusted odds ratio [OR(adj)] = 1.0, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.7-1.4, chi(2)(1, N = 5219) = 0.01, ns). Findings document substantial HIV/STD risk and prevalence among Russian narcology patients, but no link between binge drinking and unprotected sex in this population, possibly due to very low rates of condom use generally.