Aim of the study: a retrospective analysis of Crohn's patients remaining to be taken care in Gastroenterology Department of the Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital, in the period of time between 2002-2007.
Material and methods: A five-year retrospective medical charts of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in Gastroenterology Department were studied. The study group with proved CD underwent the analysis according to age, signs, clinical course and activity of the disease, complications, and the type of treatment application.
Results: Among 62 children with inflammatory bowel disease 63% (39) patients (aged from 7 months to 18 years) were diagnosed as CD. Most of them were boys (62%), aged above 7 years old, but some cases of very young children (babies) were also noted as Crohn's disease. Among the symptoms most frequently abdominal aches concomitant by loose stools and growth impairment were observed. The most constant laboratory signs of the disease were lower iron concentration in the blood, anaemia and much higher platelets number. Pathology assessment of the biopsy specimens taken from terminal ileus during colonoscopy and the measurements of the thickness of ileum wall on ultrasound examination were the keys in making the final diagnosis, because this part of alimentary tract was most often the localisation of the disease in the study group. High activity index (PCDAI >51) and severe course of the disease were sticking features of most of our patients, especially in younger children. Some severe complications were developed particularly in young patients and in the children with delayed diagnose.
Conclusions: CD in children presents a wide heterogeneity of clinical signs and symptoms, high activity, may revealed at any age, more frequently affecting boys. Early age of the onset of the disease and delayed diagnosis and treatment are the risk factors of CD very severe complications developed.