The objective of this work was to evaluate peritoneum attack in AIDS affected patients. IT was a cross sectional descriptive study from October 2000 to May 2003 in services of Internal Medicine of the Hospital of the Point G and Hepato-Gastro-enterology of the Hospital Gabriel Touré and that concerned patient hospitalization files, registers of laparoscopy and registers of anatomopathology results. Have been included in this study, patients HIV positive presenting an abdominal symptomatology as abdominal pain, ascite, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and that benefitted a laparoscopy with oriented biopsies of lesions. Anatomopathology exam of biopsy fragments has been made in the National institute of Research in Public Health (INRSP) of Bamako, Mali and in Pharo, Marseille in France. In term of this study 20 patients have been included. The mean age of our patients was 40.1 +/- 11 years with a sex ratio equal 1. Married women were the socio-professional category the most affected (45%). The clinical symptomatology was dominated by ascite (70%), abdominal pain (45%), abdominal meteorism (40%), hepatomegaly (35%), splenomegaly (30%). Peritoneal localization was the most frequent (50%). Granulations were the laparoscopic aspect the most met (80%) and confirmed in 80% cases by histology. Hepato-peritoneal tuberculosis was the most frequent etiology (60%) come then the non specific inflammations (30%), the lipophagic granulome (5%), and non specific granulomatose inflammations (5%). This study is characterized by an increased frequency of hepato-peritoneal tuberculosis during the pathology of peritoneum in AIDS affected patients. It deserves to be searched and treated for patients' survival.