Platelet basic protein (PBP) and several of its derivatives are known to express a wide range of biological characteristics. It is the precursor of connective tissue activating peptide (CTAP-III), beta thromboglobulin (beta-TG) and neutrophil activating peptide (NAP-2), which is the proteolytic derived end product. The temporal ocular expression of the chemokine PBP before and during corneal infection over several days by Pseudomonas aeruginosa was examined by immunohistochemistry. Prior to corneal infection, immunohistochemical staining demonstrated the constitutive expression of PBP in the cornea, lens and retina. PBP expression was present in the corneal epithelium, stromal fibroblasts and endothelium. There was a temporal increase in PBP expression in the cornea after infection. The entire cornea exhibited extensive cellular infiltration by positive PBP staining infiltrating cells within 6 days post-infection. The cornea, lens and retina underwent extensive degradation within 5-6 days post-infection with some apparent selective increase in PBP staining in the lens and retina.