The hormonal regulation of sexual behavior has been the topic of study for over 50 years and yet controversies persist regarding the importance of early versus late events and the identity of the critical neural and cellular substrates. We have taken a mechanistic approach toward the masculinizing actions of the gonadal steroid estradiol, as a means to understand how organization of the neuroarchitechture during a perinatal sensitive period exerts enduring influences on adult behavior. We have identified important roles for prostaglandins, FAK and paxillin, PI3 kinase and glutamate, and determined that cell-to-cell signaling is a critical component of the early organizational events. We have further determined that the mechanisms mediating different components of sexual behavior are distinct and regionally specific. The multitude of mechanisms by which the steroid estradiol, exerts divergent effects on the developing nervous system provides for a multitude of phenotypes which can vary significantly both within and between the sexes.