Investigations of cerebrospinal fluid in Borna disease virus seropositive psychiatric patients

Eur Psychiatry. 1995;10(5):250-8. doi: 10.1016/0924-9338(96)80302-6.


Borna disease virus (BDV) appears to cause meningoencephalitis and schizophreniform psychosis in sporadic cases according to earlier cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) inoculation experiments (Rott et al, 1991). However, CSF parameters in BDV seropositive psychiatric patients proved nearly all normal; only the most sensitive CSF/serum index I-BDV for intrathecally produced BDV specific IgG was pathologic in 10.5-29.0% (according to different methodological limits) of patients. An increase in sensitivity was attempted to detect specific IgG in CSF in a part of the cases by concentration. Concentration procedure does not significantly increase methodological bias according to a statistical analysis of the results. Our findings support the hypothesis that BDV may cause or contribute to the pathogenesis of a diagnostically broad pattern of psychiatric syndromes. The occurence of a spectrum of diagnoses is expected from non-specificity of psychiatric symptoms in other infectious diseases of the brain as well as from results in experimental Borna disease (BD) in animals, when a majority of the animals showed rather unspecific symptomatology due to slight, preferentially limbic encephalitis. Slight deficiencies from an earlier BDV infection could explain continuing symptoms in a part of the cases. Recurrences years after infection are well known in experimental and natural BD in animals. It remains open, whether this mechanism could play a more prominent role in a form of "symptomatic" cyclothymia and "symptomatic" schizophrenia, although the results of CSF investigations are more clear in BDV seropositive patients with major psychoses.