Cellulosomes, synthesized by anaerobic microorganisms such as Clostridium thermocellum, are remarkably complex nanomachines that efficiently degrade plant cell wall polysaccharides. Cellulosome assembly results from the interaction of type I dockerin domains, present on the catalytic subunits, and the cohesin domains of a large non-catalytic integrating protein that acts as a molecular scaffold. In general, type I dockerins contain two distinct cohesin-binding interfaces that appear to display identical ligand specificities. Inspection of the C. thermocellum genome reveals 72 dockerin-containing proteins. In four of these proteins, Cthe_0258, Cthe_0435, Cthe_0624 and Cthe_0918, there are significant differences in the residues that comprise the two cohesin-binding sites of the type I dockerin domains. In addition, a protein of unknown function (Cthe_0452), containing a C-terminal cohesin highly similar to the equivalent domains present in C. thermocellum-integrating protein (CipA), was also identified. In the present study, the ligand specificities of the newly identified cohesin and dockerin domains are described. The results revealed that Cthe_0452 is located at the C. thermocellum cell surface and thus the protein was renamed as OlpC. The dockerins of Cthe_0258 and Cthe_0435 recognize, preferentially, the OlpC cohesin and thus these enzymes are believed to be predominantly located at the surface of the bacterium. By contrast, the dockerin domains of Cthe_0624 and Cthe_0918 are primarily cellulosomal since they bind preferentially to the cohesins of CipA. OlpC, which is a relatively abundant protein, may also adopt a 'warehouse' function by transiently retaining cellulosomal enzymes at the cell surface before they are assembled on to the multienzyme complex.