Lesions of the superior glenoid labrum and biceps anchor are a well-recognized cause of shoulder pain. Advances in shoulder arthroscopy have led to improvements in recognizing and managing superior labral anterior-posterior (SLAP) tears. Recent biomechanical studies have postulated several theories for the pathogenesis of SLAP tears in throwing athletes and the effect of these injuries on normal shoulder kinematics. Advances in soft-tissue imaging techniques have resulted in improved accuracy in diagnosing SLAP tears. However, the diagnosis of clinically relevant SLAP tears remains challenging because of the lack of specific examination findings and the frequency of concomitant shoulder injuries. Definitive diagnosis of suspected SLAP tears is confirmed on arthroscopic examination. Advances in surgical techniques have made it possible to achieve secure repair in selected patterns of injury. Recent outcomes studies have shown predictably good functional results and an acceptable rate of return to sport and/or work with arthroscopic treatment of SLAP tears.