We present a notable case of a 15-year-old male infected with influenza B virus who showed the clinical manifestations of myocardial ischemia. He was admitted to our hospital with sudden chest pain. He had febrile illness for the past 2 days. Rapid antigen test for influenza revealed positive influenza B virus antigen. The initial electrocardiogram showed elevation of the ST-segments in leads II, II, aVF and reciprocal depression in leads V1 and V2. Serum test showed elevation of creatine kinase and troponin T. Gadlinium-enchanced magnetic resonance imaging, Tl-201 and I-123 beta-methyl-p-iodephenyl-pentadecanoic acid scintigram, coronary angiography revealed no abnormality. Follow-up electrocardiogram showed ST-segment change improvement over the course. Myocarditis associated with influenza B virus seemed to be caused by endothelial impairment and disturbance of microcirculation rather than direct injury to cardiac myocytes.