Some sympathomimetic compounds (i.e. BRL37344) increase brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis with minimal cardiac effects. They act through an "atypical" beta-adrenergic receptor (beta-AR). Since beta-AR responses involve Adenylate Cyclase (AC) activation, we investigate the AC answer to isoproterenol and BRL37344 in rat plasmamembranes of heart (beta 1-ARs) and BAT (atypical beta-ARs). AC dose-response curves were obtained by incubating membrane fractions with different concentrations of isoproterenol and BRL37344 (1 nM-100 microM) at 25 degrees C for 15 min. In our study BRL37344 is 40-times more potent than isoproterenol in stimulating AC activity of BAT (EC50s: BRL37344 = 0.02 microM, isoproterenol = 0.7 microM). Furthermore it is more potent in stimulating BAT AC than heart AC (BRL37344 EC50 ratio heart/BAT = 38). However on BAT membranes, BRL37344 intrinsic sympathomimetic activity (ISA) vs. Isoproterenol is 0.87. Since isoproterenol and BRL37344 show a similar ISA for BAT respiration and lipolysis, we may argue that AC maximal activity is not required for maximal lipolytic and thermogenic responses.