Fifty patients with non resectable and/or inoperable bronchogenic carcinoma were entered into a feasibility study of cisplatin (CDDP) given in continuous infusion with concurrent radiation therapy. The radiation therapy regimen consisted of 2 Gy given 5 days a week in the first 3 and last 2 weeks of a 7-week split course (50 Gy of total dose). The CDDP (daily dose of 4 to 6 mg/m2) was administered to cover the days of radiation treatment by means of a central venous catheter and a portable pump. Less than 1% of predicted duration of infusion was lost due to complications related to venous access and pump. Toxicity was moderate. The overall probability of a locoregional major response (complete + partial) within 1 month after treatment completion was 86%. Twenty-three patients underwent resection. The 1-year actuarial probability of survival was 64%. The high response and survival rates warrant further studies on concurrent CDDP continuous infusion and radiation therapy in inoperable lung carcinoma.