Objective: To examine the link between RBANS scores and functional impairment. Functional status was evaluated through informant report using the clinical dementia rating (CDR) scale.
Methods: Archival data were reviewed from records of 99 patients in a memory disorder clinic (MDC) research database. Consensus-based diagnoses were Alzheimer's disease (AD; n = 48), mild cognitive impairment (MCI; n = 48), AD with vascular components; (n = 2) and dementia due to psychiatric conditions (n = 1).
Results: The RBANS language index score was significantly related to CDR domain scores of community affairs (p < .01), home and hobbies (p < .01), personal care (p < .05), memory (p < 0.01), and judgment (p < 0.01). RBANS immediate memory index scores were significantly related to (p < 0.05) the CDR Memory and judgment and problem solving domains. Based on these findings, follow-up regressions were conducted. Semantic fluency was significantly related to CDR memory (p < 0.01), judgment (p < 0.05), community affairs (p < 0.05), home/hobbies (p < 0.05), and personal care (p < 0.05) functional domains. Picture naming was significantly related to the CDR personal care domain (p < 0.05). List learning was significantly related to CDR memory functional domain (p < 0.01) and judgment (p < 0.05). Lastly, story memory was significantly related to the CDR judgment domain (p < 0.05).
Conclusions: The RBANS may be an indicator of functional impairment as well as a neuropsychological testing tool. The use of the RBANS could reduce the amount of testing that is administered to the patient, or can provide a way to compare other measurements of functional impairment to assess accuracy of findings.