The authors provide a simple radiographic method for estimating bullet weight and caliber of both deformed and undeformed bullets that enables accurate determination of caliber for the gamut of bullet shapes, with known degrees of confidence. The weight-determination procedure is based on the correlation between bullet cross-sectional area, as derived from three orthogonal radiographs, and bullet weight, as determined from a data base of the properties of 48 bullets removed from humans. Different equations were developed for bullets weighing 5.8 g or less, or more than 5.8 g. For relatively undeformed bullets an additional method calculated caliber directly from the diameter of the bullet body on radiographs. Both methods enabled correct prediction of the weight and caliber of the bullets; if one method could not be used, results of the other were reliable. Testimony based on these results has been accepted in a local police case and may meet requirements for testimony in U.S. court cases involving gunshots.