Aim: Patients with a high-output stoma (HOS) (> 2000 ml/day) suffer from dehydration, hypomagnesaemia and under-nutrition. This study aimed to determine the incidence, aetiology and outcome of HOS.
Method: The number of stomas fashioned between 2002 and 2006 was determined. An early HOS was defined as occurring in hospital within 3 weeks of stoma formation and a late HOS was defined as occurring after discharge.
Results: Six-hundred and eighty seven stomas were fashioned (456 ileostomy/jejunostomy and 231 colostomy). An early HOS occurred in 75 (16%) ileostomies/jejunostomies. Formation of a jejunostomy (defined as having less than 200 cm remaining of proximal small bowel; n = 20) and intra-abdominal sepsis? obstruction (n = 14) were the commonest causes identified for early HOS. It was possible to stop parenteral infusions in 53 (71%) patients treated with oral hypotonic fluid restriction, glucose-saline solution and anti diarrhoeal medication. In 46 (61%) patients, the HOS resolved and no drug treatment was needed, 20 (27%) patients continued treatment, six (8%) of whom went home and continued to receive parenteral or subcutaneous saline, and nine died. Twenty-six patients had late HOS. Eleven were admitted with renal impairment and four had intermittent small-bowel obstruction. Eight patients were given long-term subcutaneous or parenteral saline and two also received parenteral nutrition. All had hypomagnesaemia.
Conclusion: Early high output from an ileostomy is common and although 49% resolved spontaneously, 51% needed ongoing medical treatment, usually because of a short small-bowel remnant.
© 2010 The Authors. Colorectal Disease © 2010 The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland.