The risk of viral B and C hepatitis has long been considered to be increased in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Blood transfusion and surgery have been identified as the two main risk factors, suggesting nosocomial transmission could be involved. However, recent epidemiologic surveys have found that prevalence in IBD patients is similar to or even lower than that in the general population. Part of the explanation of these recent data may lie in the application of protective measures against viral infection (hepatitis B virus [HBV] vaccination and hepatitis C virus [HCV]-free blood transfusions). Sometimes fatal viral reactivations have been reported in patients on immunosuppressive therapy. Two periods can be distinguished: a) during therapy, a rise in viremia associated with a decrease of immune-mediated hepatic lesions; b) after cessation of therapy, an immune rebound with a destruction of virus-infected hepatocytes. For HBV, preemptive strategy consisting of an antiviral analog is efficient in chronic HBs antigen carriers. For HCV, the impact of immunosuppressive drugs on the natural history is unclear. Most studies report improved comfort although no biopsies were performed before and after immunosuppressive treatment. Physicians managing IBD patients should be aware of the need for screening and institute preventive measures against B and C hepatitis.