Purpose: To describe a modification in Mathieu (perimeatal-based flap urethroplasty) technique that incorporates glans augmentation into the procedure and is applicable for hypospadias patients with small glans and shallow urethral grooves.
Patients and methods: Fifty-four children with primary hypospadias and small glans underwent either the new double-faced Mathieu (DF-Mathieu) technique (33 patients) or tubularized incised plate (TIP) procedure (21 patients). DF-Mathieu perimeatal-based skin flap was meant to cover the distance from urethral orifice to the tip of the glans and flip back to fill the gap between glans wings. Patients were followed up for 20 months (12-30). TIP group underwent the conventional procedure.
Results: The mean age in DF-Mathieu and TIP group was 43.1 and 39.8 months, respectively. Post-operative results in DF-Mathieu group revealed one urethral fistula and no urethral break down or necrosis. In TIP group, there were one glans fistula (4.7%) and one meatal stenosis (4.7%). Overall success rate was 97% in DF-Mathieu and 90.5% in TIP operation. After 6 months, all DF-Mathieu patients had slit-like meatus and their cosmetic results were satisfactory.
Conclusion: Double-faced Mathieu technique seems applicable in patients with shallow urethral grooves when TIP procedure may increase the risk of complications. Unlike its predecessor, this technique eliminates the tension on glans wing sutures and the risk of subsequent neo-urethral break down.