A 30-year-old female was referred to our hospital complaining of left flank pain. She was diagnosed with a giant hydronephrosis in a horseshoe kidney. We performed a retroperitoneoscopic nephrectomy on the non-functioning moiety of the horseshoe kidney. After the placement of a ureteral catheter, she underwent a retroperitoneal nephrectomy. The feeding vessels consisted of four arteries and four veins. The thin isthmus of the horseshoe kidney was divided using scissors, without the need for electrocautery, and hemostasis was achieved using monopolar shears. Laparoscopic nephrectomy on a horseshoe kidney is a difficult surgery given the aberrant vessels and isthmus, so it tends to be avoided for reasons of safety. However, if appropriate preoperative imaging is carried out and the procedure is conducted in a careful manner, it can be made a safe and minimally invasive operation.