Background: To analyse the influence of hyaluronate (HA) on the cell vitality of human conjunctival cells after chemical injuries from NaOH or alkali-containing household cleaners.
Methods: Human conjunctival cells (Chang cells) were incubated either with NaOH solutions or dilutions of household cleaners. HA (0.025%) was added to the cell culture medium of part of the cells subsequent to chemical injuring. After 24 h the cell vitality of the HA-incubated cells, determined by MTS assay (Cell Titer 96(R) Aqueous One Solution Cell Proliferation Assay), was compared to the control cells without HA addition.
Results: The addition of HA to the cell culture medium subsequent to chemical injuring resulted in a significantly lower decrease in cell vitality (mean difference: 11.79; p = 0.00; CI = 98%).
Conclusion: Because HA attenuates the decrease in cell vitality of alkali-damaged human conjunctival cells, formulations containing HA may be recommended for the treatment of chemical injuries to the anterior part of the eye.