A case is 61 years old woman. In February 2008, she was aware of swelling, skin redness and edema in her left breast and visited our hospital. We diagnosed it as inflammatory breast cancer with positive hormone receptor (ER+, PgR+) and unexpression of HER2 (HercepTest 1 +). We started preoperative chemotherapy with weekly paclitaxel followed by FEC100, but we canceled chemotherapy because she developed cerebral infarction when we administered paclitaxel twice. Then, hormonotherapy using anastrozole (Arimidex) was therefore attempted. Three months later, treatment with anastrozole alone reduced the swelling, skin redness and edema in her left breast. After eight months of administration, the breast swelling, skin redness and edema were completely disappeared. MRI revealed the disappearance of the enhanced area. Then mastectomy with auxiliary dissection was performed.