A new murine tester stock for primary nondisjunction incorporates three genetically marked Robertsonian translocations with tribrachial homology (TBH): Rb(6.15)1Ald, Rb(4.6)2Bnr, and Rb(4.15)4Rma. The resultant tricentromeric meiotic configuration leads to 100% aneuploid gametes, but the TBH stock can be maintained by intercrossing, through the complementation of nullisomic and disomic gametes. The only neonatal survivors from tescrosses to wild type come from complementation of aneuploid gametes and genetic tests allow wild type gains or losses of Chromosomes 4, 6, and 15 to be distinguished. Alternatively, cytogenetic examination allows products of wild type chromosome gain, with one metacentric, to be separated from chromosome loss with two metacentrics. A pilot study, with 0-2 Gy X-irradiation of oocytes at diakinesis, revealed twelve examples of chromosome loss in wild type gametes but none of chromosome gain and thus provided no evidence for the induction of nondisjunction.