Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has emerged as a leading pathogen causing nosocomial infections. Many studies have shown that the restricted use of antibacterials is associated with a decline in resistance. To establish whether an intervention protocol designed to limit the use of cephalosporins can lower mRSA infection rates and impact on Gram-negative bacteria susceptibility in an intensive Care Unit (ICU), we conducted a prospective, non-randomized, before-after intervention study in an 18-bed ICU in Genoa, Italy. The intervention was a hospital antibiotic control policy and the observation was routine monitoring for nosocomial infections and antibiotic use, recording periodically the incidence density and MRSA prevalence. The intervention included a new antibiotic guideline that restricted the use of cephalosporins for all ICU inpatients. The analysis showed that the intervention determined a significant reduction in cephalosporin usage (-70.3%), while fluoroquinolones, mainly ciprofloxacin, increased after introduction of the antibiotic policy (+46.5%). A significant reduction in the percentage of MRSA infections (-30%) and heterogeneous susceptibility patterns in Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were noted.