The effect of a series of synthetic carbamates on the human (milk or pancreatic) bile-salt-dependent lipase (cholesterol esterase) was examined. N-isopropyl-O-phenyl, N-methyl-O-phenyl, N-butyl-(4-nitrophenyl), N-phenyl-(4-nitrophenyl), N-butyl-N-methyl and N-pentyl-O-phenyl carbamates were inhibitors of the enzyme activity, while O-isopropyl-N-phenyl, O-methyl-N-phenyl, O-benzyl-N-isopropyl and O-cyclohexyl-N-phenyl carbamates were not even recognized by the enzyme. The N-alkyl chain length is essential for the enzyme inhibition and N-butyl-(4-nitrophenyl) or N-pentyl-O-phenyl carbamates are more potent inhibitors than N-methyl-O-phenyl or N-isopropyl carbamates. The inhibition by reactive carbamates fits the criteria for mechanism-based inhibition: the inhibition is first-order with time, shows saturation kinetics with increasing carbamate concentration and leads to an inactive stoichiometric enzyme-inhibitor complex; the enzyme activity can be protected by a competitive inhibitor. Evidence is shown that the enzymatic nucleophilic attack of carbamates is directed at the carbonyl carbon atom and not the nitrogen atom. The inhibition of bile-salt-dependent lipase does not occur consecutive to the formation of a reactive isocyanate derivative of carbamate but via a tetrahedral intermediate involving essential residues implicated in the enzyme catalytic site. This intermediate evolves by liberation of alcohol (or phenol) and formation of an inactive carbamyl enzyme. Among the carbamates tested, N-butyl-N-methyl-(4-nitrophenyl) carbamate specifically inhibits the bile-salt-dependent lipase; the release of 4-nitrophenol from this carbamate is directly proportional to the enzyme inhibition and it may be defined as a specific active-site titrator for bile-salt-dependent lipases.