The non-lepis wing of silkworm (Bombyx mori) is controlled by the recessive gene, nlw. Owning to lack of crossing over in females, the reciprocal backcrossed F(1) (BC(1)) progenies were used for linkage analysis and mapping of nlw based on the SSR linkage map and STS markers using the wild type (+(nlw)/+(nlw)) silkworm strain P50 and U06 with scaleless wing (nlw/nlw). The nlw gene was linked to eight SSR markers and one STS marker. All the individuals with the wild type in the BC1F (Using F(1) as female to backcross to the recessive parent, that is (U06xP50)xU06) showed heterozygous profile of (U06xP50) F(1), and the ones with non-lepis wing in BC1F exhibited the homozygous profile of the strain U06. Using a reciprocal BC1M (Using F1 as male to backcross to the recessive parent, that is U06x(U06xP50))cross, we constructed a linkage map of 125.6 cM, and the distance between nlw and the nearest marker cash2p was 11.4 cM.