Using X radiation commonly used in radiotherapy of cancers we investigated bystander interactions between human cells: irradiated A549 bronchial carcinoma human cells and non irradiated BEAS-2B normal bronchial epithelial cells. Non irradiated cells were incubated in medium transferred from irradiated A549 cells (ICM-irradiation conditioned medium) for 48h and next the chromosomal damage and apoptosis were estimated. Conditioned medium collected from irradiated cancer cells induced in non irradiated cells of the same line as well as in BEAS-2B normal cells genetic changes such as micronuclei, chromatid and chromosomal breaks and condensation of chromatin characteristic for processes of apoptosis. Addition of only 1% of conditioned medium to fresh medium was sufficient to induction of bystander response to normal bronchial cells. The presented results in this study could have implications for human radiation risk and in evaluating the secondary effects of radiotherapy.