Background: Increased oxidative stress might contribute to diabetic (DM) neuropathy, so the effects of long-term treatment with fluvastatin (FL) on myocardial oxidative stress and cardiac sympathetic neural function were investigated in diabetic rats.
Methods and results: FL (10 mg . kg(-1) . day(-1), DM-FL) or vehicle (DM-VE) was orally administered for 2 weeks to streptozotocin-induced DM rats. Cardiac oxidative stress was determined by myocardial 8-iso-prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF(2alpha)) and NADPH oxidase subunit p22(phox) mRNA expression. Sympathetic neural function was quantified by autoradiography using (131)I- and (125)I-metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG). FL did not affect plasma glucose levels but remarkably decreased PGF(2alpha) levels compared with DM-VE rats (13.8+/-9.2 vs 175.0+/-93.9 ng/g tissue), although PGF(2alpha) levels were below the detection limit in non-DM rats. FL significantly reduced myocardial p22(phox) mRNA expression. Cardiac (131)I-MIBG uptake was lower in DM-VE rats than in non-DM rats, but the decrease was attenuated in DM-FL rats (1.31+/-0.08, 1.88+/-0.22, and 1.58+/-0.18 %kg dose/g, respectively, P<0.01). Cardiac MIBG clearance was not affected by the induction of DM or by FL, indicating that the reduced MIBG uptake in DM rats might result from impaired neural function.
Conclusions: FL ameliorates cardiac sympathetic neural dysfunction in DM rats in association with attenuation of increased myocardial oxidative stress.