Regulation of cellular responses to external stimuli such as hormones, neurotransmitters, or cytokines is achieved through the control of all steps of the complex cascade starting with synthesis, going through maturation steps, release, distribution, degradation and/or uptake of the signalling molecule interacting with the target protein. One possible way of regulation, referred to as scavenging or neutralization of the ligand, has been increasingly studied, especially for small protein ligands. It shows innovative potential in chemical biology approaches as well as in disease treatment. Neutralization of protein ligands, as for example cytokines or chemokines can lead to the validation of signalling pathways under physiological or pathophysiological conditions, and in certain cases, to the development of therapeutic molecules now used in autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation and cancer treatment. This review explores the field of ligand neutralization and tries to determine to what extent small chemical molecules could substitute for neutralizing antibodies in therapeutic approaches.
Copyright 2010. Published by Elsevier Inc.