Focusing crystal polarimeter designed for x-ray polarimetry: construction and performance

Appl Opt. 1975 Jul 1;14(7):1727-35. doi: 10.1364/AO.14.001727.


A method for the construction of a graphite crystal polarimeter designed for measuring linear polarization of x-ray continuum sources is described. The dependence of reflected intensity upon the polarization direction of the incident beam at Bragg angles of 45 degrees is used to measured the polarization. The particular instrument described was designed for a satellite x-ray polarimeter. By using a focusing parabolic surface instead of a nonfocusing flat crystal, the signal to background ratio is improved by a factor of 30 as compared to a flat crystal polarimeter of the same effective area. The focusing properties of the reflector were tested both optically and with x rays. The performance of the instrument as a polarimeter was tested with a continuum x-ray source of small polarization, which was independently measured by a single flat crystal polarimeter. The agreement between the two measurements is excellent, indicating that the instrument can measure polarizations as low as 0.3%.