A prospective multi-institutional study was performed to compare the sensitivity of computed tomography (CT) and high-field magnetic resonance (MR) imaging (1.5T) in the detection of hepatic metastases. T1-weighted and 72-weighted spin-echo (SE) MR images were compared with noncontrast, dynamic, and delayed CT. Sixty-nine oncology patients were studied. Noncontrast CT showed an overall sensitivity of 57%, dynamic CT 71%, delayed CT 72%, T1-weighted SE MR 47%, and T2-weighted SE MR 78%. Although there was no statistically significant (p less than 0.05) difference among dynamic CT, delayed CT, and T2-weighted SE MR, these three methods were significantly more sensitive (p less than 0.005) than noncontrast CT or T1-weighted SE MR. T2-weighted SE MR was significantly more sensitive (p less than 0.006) than CT or T1-weighted SE MR in the detection of small (less than 1 cm) lesions. CT was more sensitive in the detection of extrahepatic disease. These data confirm the superiority of T2-weighted SE over T1-weighted SE pulse sequences at 1.5T.