Rat liver plasma membranes contain F(O)F(1) complexes (ecto-F(O)F(1)) displaying a similar molecular weight to the mitochondrial F(O)F(1) ATP synthase, as evidenced by Blue Native PAGE. Their ATPase activity was stably reduced in short-term extra-hepatic cholestasis. Immunoblotting and immunoprecipitation analyses demonstrated that the reduction in activity was not due to a decreased expression of ecto-F(O)F(1) complexes, but to an increased level of an inhibitory protein, ecto-IF(1), bound to ecto-F(O)F(1). Since cholestasis down regulates the hepatic uptake of HDL-cholesterol, and ecto-F(O)F(1) has been shown to mediate SR-BI-independent hepatic uptake of HDL-cholesterol, these findings provide support to the hypothesis that ecto-F(O)F(1) contributes to the fine control of reverse cholesterol transport, in parallel with SR-BI. No activity change of the mitochondrial F(O)F(1) ATP synthase (m-F(O)F(1)), or any variation of its association with m-IF(1) was observed in cholestasis, indicating that ecto-IF(1) expression level is modulated independently from that of ecto-F(O)F(1), m-IF(1) and m-F(O)F(1).