A dermatoglyphic index derived from monozygotic (MZ) twins of known placental type was used to estimate placentation retrospectively in a sample of adult male MZ twins. Examination of behavioral test scores with respect to placentation showed that the within-pair difference of most measures of type A behavior was smaller in presumed monochorionic than presumed dichorionic pairs. Measures of cognitive function and hostility were not related to placental type. Intraclass correlations in the monochorionic subgroup of MZ twins were greater than the correlations reported for the full sample of MZ twins. The trends were strongest for the Adjective Check List scales taken at two different exams 5 years apart and, to a lesser extent, for the Framingham type A scale. Our results are most consistent with greater intrauterine environmental covariance in monochorionic MZ twins as an explanation for inflation of the MZ twin correlation relative to dizygotic (DZ) correlation reported for some type A measures.