We present the cytological features along with histologic and imaging findings of a melanocytic bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumor in a patient with multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1 (MEN-1). Intraoperative touch preparations of the lung tumor showed single spindle cells and loosely cohesive aggregates of spindle cells with oval to elongated nuclei, "salt and pepper" chromatin pattern and inconspicuous nucleoli. The spindle cells occasionally contained cytoplasmic pigment, which revealed to be melanin by Fontana Masson stain on permanent processed material. Immunohistochemical stains for both synaptophysin and chromogranin were strongly positive in the spindle cells. The findings were consistent with melanocytic bronchopulmonary carcinoid tumor, which is relatively uncommon in MEN-1.
Copyright 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.